Ever the advocates of female health, the Blitz Dames teamed up with the people behind Channel 4's 'Embarassing Bodies' for a second time back in March. Previously the Dames had promoted the diversity and also the importance of checking your breasts. This time, the focus was around the female genitalia. Razor Red #227 explains:
"I was fortunate enough to accompany some of my fellow Dames to a second visit to the Embarrassing Bodies Clinic, this time the topic was vulvas. I have to be honest with myself, at first I was a little unsure as to which part of the vagina the vulva was, but I was given a larger that life example of one, I won't give it away its quite a surprise you'll have to watch the show ;).
Once again so much information was brought to my attention about this area of my body, I was shocked to find out how little I knew and how little other women knew. We learnt about how to look for any abnormal colorations, this being something I myself had never even really thought about. We also learnt that the vulva itself is not one specific part of the vagina but is a collection of different parts of the vagina as a whole.
As always we had a really good day. It was very relaxed and very informative, we even had a live model; a lady called Daphne who was kind enough to show us her vulva, I think she was very brave. The crew were great and all female which was very considerate seeing as we had a live female model.
I recomend that if you're a lady you check out this episode, I really thought I was in the know about this particular area of the body but to my suprise there was a lot to learn about that needs to be made more aware! This episode will give you a much better understanding of how to check yourself for anything abnormal and indeed what to look for. I'm definitely richer from this experience, we had a good laugh, it was a real pleasure to be invited back to take part in the show!
Razor Red
You may (or may not?) be happy to know that the Dames do not bear all for the cameras themselves this time as they have done previously! ;)
The Birmingham Blitz Dames can be seen on Embarrassing Bodies: Live from the Clinic tomorrow night, Wednesday 15th June 2011, 8pm on Channel 4.
The Blitz Dames are available for interview and are happy to talk about the episode.
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